American Dream
JavaScript / sound modulation / microphones / LEDs
Spring 2023
︎ Microphone sensors to detect coin drop
︎LED circuit with individual power sources
︎ Fabrication includes wishing well funnel, rod hanging, and individual baskets.
This project explores the dichotomy of the ambitious hope and realist precarity in the chase for the American Dream. This was my thesis project for my degree at ITP.
The audience drops a coin down the wishing well funnel. Its path is scattered by the golden rods, resonating the air with the sounds of church-like wind chimes. The coin either falls to safety in a nest, which senses its presence and gives the audience a small indication of its capture one coin at a time. Otherwise, the coin is buried in a pile of dirt, its demise amplified by embedded microphones and sound effects.
Full process documentation
Half Truths and Full Lies
front-end / back-end / video / freelance
Summer 2022

︎ Front-end web development for video presentation
︎Back-end media storage and processing
This was my first full-time solo hired web development project. The website provides Efren’s version of a 1980s murder for which he was incarcarete at the age of 15, a crime he claims he did not commit. This project was a collaboration with artists at the Art Institute of Chicago.
To tell Efren’s story, I created an online repository for the documentary films. After a brief introduction, the user scrolls through aseries of thumbnails of films; they select a video, and upon play it opens to a near-fullscreen theatrical presentation. They can also view an index of all available films, learn more about the project and access resources to educate themselves more about the context of the case.
Happy birthday, Comrade!
Python / JavaScript / TensorFlowLite / Google TTS
Spring 2021

︎ Arduino BLE Sense machine learning model interprets interactions
︎ Markov chain generate random greetings
︎ Three characters read back the text outputs using Google Voice API
TensorFlowLite model trained to read user interactions with an Arduino BLE Sense. This generates a random birthday greetings using Markov chains trained on dataset I compiled. The output is read out using Google Voice API in the voices of your mom, a fortune cookie or Karl Marx using Markov chains.
Full process documentation
MIDI Controller
Ableton / machine learning / ml5.js / p5.js
Fall 2021

︎ MIDI controller with Arduino and Ableton
︎ Machine learning (ml5.js PoseNet)
︎ Music visualizer in p5.js
The MIDI controller connects to Ableton to play back five drum beats and five melodies through p5.js. PoseNet allows the user to control four effects (equalizer, autopan, transpose and stutter) on the music being played. A visualizer accompanies the music being played.
Full documentation can be found here. Arduino code
p5.js code that I worked on (and on Github)
AR / Adobe Aero
Fall 2021

P.L.S. is an AR installation exploring questions of identity: who is the individual in an era of digital globalization? Through a mixture of interactive audio and visual elements, the audience will explore a mesh of floating cubes within a doppler radar backdrop. Each face of the cube is composed of parts of a face, alluding to the packaged social profile sent out into the ether. The audience is invited to approach each cube to unpack its story. P.L.S. stands for Packing, Loading, Shipping.
This project was accepted for the ITP Winter Show 2021 and woudl have been presented in (and sized for) in classroom-sized room.
Full documentation, including video with sound, can be found here.
︎ Augmented reality
︎ Adobe Aero
︎ Designing big spaces
This project was accepted for the ITP Winter Show 2021 and woudl have been presented in (and sized for) in classroom-sized room.
Full documentation, including video with sound, can be found here.
︎ Augmented reality
︎ Adobe Aero
︎ Designing big spaces